How do you take your money out of the bank before Jade Helm ushers in Martial Law?
With each passing day, as martial law draws near, your opportunity to get your money out of the bank is growing far less likely with each day you delay in taking your money out of the bank. This is the single most requested topic that people have asked me to comment on.
A Partial Awakening of the American People
Many of the citizens of our country are finally awakening to the unfolding tyranny. Yesterday, I received 37 emails from readers that in some form were asking me what they should do with their money because their investigations and observations agreed with mine in that the United States is headed towards an economic meltdown followed by martial law.
Take the Bulk of Your Money Out of the Bank
As the country races toward martial law and financial collapse, here are several major reasons to take the majority of your money out of the bank while leaving just enough in the bank to conduct business and to pay your bills.
Common Sense Dictates Taking Your Money Out of the Bank
Would you work for 50% over the next five years in order to keep your job? For most, the answer is a resounding, NO! Well, if you keep the majority of your money in the bank, that is precisely what you are doing.
If we take the word of the government that inflation is only about 5%, coupled with the fact that your savings account only pays a quarter of a percent in interest, it is foolish to leave your money in the bank. Ten thousand dollars in your bank account, today, will lose over half its value in less than five years. And in reality, most of you should be aware that inflation is closer to 12-14% because the government does not count the price of food and gas into their inflation figures, as if we do not have to eat or drive to work.
There are number of factors which lead to inflation, most of which end up putting money in the hands of the interlocked banking, oil and defense industry interests. When one understands what a mistake it was to abandon the gold standard and take on unlimited debt so that the aforementioned special interests could receive sweetheart deals courtesy of the U.S. government, one then understands that by putting most of your money into the bank, you are investing in your financial demise.
The Unsound American Economy Will Lead to a Banking Collapse
Presently, the United States has an $18 trillion dollar deficit, a $240 trillion dollar unfunded liability and credit swap derivatives debt in excess of $1 quadrillion dollars. The only backing that the U.S. dollar enjoys is the Petrodollar and that practice is being eroded by the Russian and Chinese led charge away from the dollar and into gold. There will soon come a tipping point where the American economy will die a sudden and violent collapse as the currency hyper-inflates.
It is far more likely that an economic collapse will be contrived instead of following the natural path listed above because the timing and severity could be controlled by the banksters.
When the Collapse Comes, You Will Not Get Your Money Out of the Bank
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that when you put money into the bank, you have transferred ownership of that money to the bank. This ruling represents government sponsored theft in the highest order, yet most of us are unaware that this happened.
As previously reported, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on November 10, 2014, ran a joint exercise simulating how they would prop up a large bank (e.g. Bank of America) with operations in both countries that has landed itself in trouble. Also taking part in the "bank failure drill," which included a cyber attack upon several banks, was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, and the heads of a large number of other regulators, in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Also, as previously reported, on the morning of November 16, 2014, the G20 fulfilled the mandates of anew investment program. This new program creates a whole new paradigm and set of rules whereby banks will no longer recognize your deposits as money. Russell Napier is declaring November 16th as "the day money died."This declaration by the G20 declared your bank account to not be money and therefore, the FDIC does not technically insure your money because it is not money in the eyes of the government.
In April of 2013, the banksters began to seriously manipulate the price of gold as evidenced by the actions of "Goldman Sachs who told their clients earlier that they recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position." After investors were duped into panic selling, the banksters bought up massive sums of gold. The banksters were buying gold while getting out the American Stock Market and the megabanks. Why? Because the dollar is going to collapse and the banksters are seeking safe havens for their wealth. This move should have been a huge red flag for all bank depositors.
When Taking Your Money Out of the Bank, Be Cautious!
George Soros won't go to prison for taking his money out of the bank, but you could, if you are not very careful.
In a clear escalation in the ongoing war on U.S. citizens, the Justice Department has recommended that bank employees snitch on customers attempting to withdraw more than $5,000. The banks and the Justice Department knows what is coming and they are going to keep you from withdrawing as little of your money as possible.
Under present laws, it is permissible to withdraw $5,000. However, with the recent Justice Department dictatorial decree, if you do withdraw that much money, you find two cops sitting in your driveway waiting for you. And with the Civilian Asset Forfeiture laws in place, it is not likely that the recently withdrawn money will ever see the inside of your home.
It is mind boggling regarding how few people are preparing to act to preserve what assets they have remaining by removing their money from the bank. Because you have put your money in the bank, you no longer own your money. Taking what was your money out of the bank is no longer a matter of walking up to your friendly teller with a withdrawal slip and the teller cheerfully honors your request and you calmly exit the bank with your money in tow. In fact, your teller is trained to look for certain indicators in any cash withdrawal of any significance.
As you move to withdraw the bulk of your money, there are three federal banking laws that you should be cognizant of: Cash Transaction Report (CTR), a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) and structuring.
Federal law requires that the bank file a report based upon any withdrawal or deposit of $10,000 or more on any single given day. The law was designed to put a damper on money laundering, sophisticated counterfeiting and other federal crimes. To remain in compliance with the law, financial institutions must obtain personal identification, information about the transaction and the social security number of the person conducting the transaction.
Technically, there is no federal law prohibiting the use of large amounts of cash. However, a CTR must be filed in ALL cases of cash transaction regardless of the reason underlying the transaction.
Before proceeding with the planed withdrawal of your money, I would strongly suggest that you read the following federal guidelines as it relates to CTRs as produced by the The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). All the federal regulations contained in this article are elucidated in this series of federal reports.
Structuring and SAR
There will undoubtedly be some geniuses whose math ability will tell them that all they have to do is to withdraw $9,999.99 and the bank and its protector, the federal government, will be none the wiser. It is not quite that simple. Here are a few examples of structuring violations that one should be aware of:
The aggregate total of the three transactions totals more than the $10,000 threshold, therefore, a SAR would be filed by the bank and you would be the subject of a federal investigation as all three of the above cases clearly violate the federal banking laws related to structuring. It is a federal crime to break up transactions into smaller amounts for the purpose of evading the CTR reporting requirement. In these instances, the bank is required to file a SAR which serves to notify the federal government of an individual's attempt to structure deposits or withdrawals by circumventing the $10,000 reporting requirement.1. Joe has obtained $15,000 in cash from selling his truck. He knows that if he deposits $15,000 in cash, his financial institution will be required to file a CTR. Instead he deposits $7,500 in cash in the morning with one financial institution employee and comes back to the financial institution later in the day to another employee to deposit the remaining $7,500, hoping to evade the CTR reporting requirement. Joe should have used multiple accounts to conduct this transaction.
2. Sally needs $16,000 in cash to pay for supplies for her arts and crafts business. Sally cashes an $8,000 personal check at a financial institution on a Monday. She subsequently cashes another $8,000 personal check at the bank the following day. Sally is careful to have cashed the two checks on different days and structured the transactions in an attempt to evade the CTR reporting requirement. Sally should have made irregular deposits on staggered days.
3. A married couple, John and Jane, sell a vehicle for $12,000 in cash. To evade the CTR reporting requirement, John and Jane structure their transactions using different accounts. John deposits $8,000 of that money into his and Jane's joint account in the morning. Later that day, Jane deposits $1,500 into the joint account, then $2,500 into her sister's account, which is later transferred to John and Jane's joint account at the same bank. Again, John and Jane should have used multiple banks.
Structuring transactions to prevent a CTR from being reported can result in imprisonment for not more than five years and/or a fine of up to $250,000. If structuring involves more than $100,000 in a twelve month period or is performed while violating another law of the federal government, the penalty is doubled.
Much like the enforcement of our tax laws, the federal government's enforcement of its banking laws as it relates to CTRs, SARs and subsequent structuring is quite draconian. Civilian asset forfeiture laws come into play. The government can seize your bank accounts while it determines if a crime has been committed. The government can literally seize your assets in perpetuity without an order of the court. Of course, you could try and sue but you will be up against the deep pockets of the federal government and the case could take years. By the time your case is decided, the financial banking crisis that you are so desperately trying to avoid by withdrawing your money, could be over. So, proceed with caution.
Withdrawing Your Money From the Bank
The best way to avoid getting your money caught in the bank in the midst of a bank run would be to not let the lion's share of your money ever cross the bank. The simplest way to accomplish this is to prevent any form of deposit from going automatically into your account, as much as it is possible.
Secondly, you need to begin to pay cash for everything. Let's say that every 30 days, Bob cashes his check at the bank from his work worth $5,000 net pay. Bob leaves just enough in the bank to be able to conduct normal banking business. Bob walks out of the bank every month with the majority of the cash from his check. Bob should begin to pay cash for as much as he can, such as eating out, paying the electric bill (pay the bill in person), buying groceries, etc. When it becomes necessary to make a "big ticket" purchase, Bob could temporarily leave more in the bank to cover the writing of a check.
You would also be wise to open multiple banking accounts ranging from the big five megabanks to your local credit unions. You could withdraw much smaller amounts until the sum total of your accounts is greatly diminished and is in your possession. To open the accounts, simply write a personal check from your home bank. Of course, in these cases, the bank could hold the check for 15-30 days.
I cannot promise you that if you become the target of federal investigators, that you will not have your every financial move scrutinized and the feds will eventually discover the aggregate patterns of withdrawal. People who I interviewed told me that they believe that the federal government is in the process of getting the banking computers to "talk" to each other in a way that would reveal structuring.
If you ever become the target of a federal investigation, do not under any circumstances allow yourself to be interviewed by federal officials without an attorney present. In many cases, people go to jail and pay huge fines, not because they have committed a federal crime, but because federal officials state that they have lied or misled them. And if you do not have an attorney present, it is your word versus the federal government.
Where to Put the Money You Are Able to Withdraw From the Bank
There is some wisdom in putting your money where the elite do. Goldman Sachs shorting gold in April of 2013 (described earlier in this article), should be motivation enough the average person to convert their dollars into gold. And to do so, one does not even need to withdraw money from bank. One simply needs to write a check to the broker and this totally negates structuring, SARs and CTR reports.
The fact that the Federal Reserve spent several months purchasing mortgage backed securities should provide another clue as to where the elite think which assets will hold their value in a post-collapse economy. Start with paying down your mortgage. In a post-collapse nation, as long as you can pay your property taxes, you will hang on to your home. If you have discretionary income, real estate is the second best investment behind previous metals.
Please keep in mind that this is a post collapse strategy, there is no prevention for what is coming.
Certainly, you should purchase supplies that will sustain life (e.g. food, water, guns) with cash only. You do not want to leave a trail of what survival assets you have accumulated. For all other investments, write checks and bleed your account down to a servicable level.
The time to have acted to protect your earnings was two years ago when the elite began buying gold in earnest.
The forces of Jade Helm are engaged in massive and monumental preparations. Although not guaranteed, there is a danger that this summer will see a collapse of the dollar and your assets will be gone forever. Once Jade Helm 15, or something that follows on its heels, is in place and martial law is in effect, you will not have this opportunity again.
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