Demented MMA fighter who savagely beat ex-girlfriend sez oppression of men is worse than slavery
A mixed martial arts fighter accused of battering his porn actress former girlfriend complained that American men suffered even worse than Jews under Nazi Germany or African slaves in the U.S. War Machine, who legally changed his name in 2008 from Jon Koppenhaver, was arrested Saturday in the brutal assault of his ex-girlfriend, Christy Mack, and reality TV star Corey Thomas. Mack suffered broken bones, missing teeth, and a ruptured liver in the attack. The cage fighter, who has been imprisoned twice previously, claimed he attacked the pair in self-defense. During his last incarceration, in 2010 on a San Diego assault conviction, War Machine wrote a weekly "prison blog," reported the Daily Telegraph, that outlined his complains about prison life. "Me and a couple other guys have been waging war on these 2 loud, obnoxious *ssholes who love to yell and bang their door all day and night," War Machine wrote. "Our weapon of choice by default, is of course sh*t bombs... LMAO! We have been bombing their cells twice/day for 4 days straight and since the Deps hate them too, they don't even clean it out, they let them sit in sh*t for HOURS at a time."
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