SOTT EXCLUSIVE: Mass demonstrations across US, #MikeBrown may be the focus, his murder only part of the cause
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Crowd has taken over the street in #TimesSquare chanting #JusticeForMikeBrown, riot cops have shown up with flexicuffs
As I write this, three separate protests are happening NYC, where I live. There's a group in Times Square, another that just blocked off 11th avenue and the Lincoln Tunnel and another group that started in Union Square and marched down 14th Street. There have also been protests in Washington DC, Philadelphia, Oakland, CA and Ferguson, MO. Ostensibly, these are because a grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson of the murder of Mike Brown, however the root cause goes much deeper.
There was a lot to delve through: 70 hours of testimony from 60 witnesses and three medical examiners. Ultimately, the St. Louis County grand jury of nine white and three black members appeared to side with Wilson's view that he was defending himself against a much larger, fast-approaching aggressor.
Said St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch: "The physical and scientific evidence examined by the grand jury, combined with the witness statements, supported and substantiated by that physical evidence, tells the accurate and tragic story of what happened."
Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown at the time of the shooting, disagreed.
"I know exactly what I saw. I was there the whole time, and I definitely saw my friend stop and put his hands up," he told CNN's on Tuesday.
Unfortunately we may never know what happened to Mike Brown. There is a lot of reason to believe that the police are lying, that they manipulated evidence, and that the grand jury was only allowed to hear one narrative: Darren Wilson acted in self defense.
There's also the fact that the Ferguson prosecutor's office and the police department have a relationship, it's an obvious conflict of interest, with the prosecutor basically being asked to make against a case 'one of their own'. Anthony Gray, an attorney for Mike Brown's family, made the same point:
The decision by the grand jury was "an exact reflection of the prosecution ... a direct reflection of the sentiments of those who presented the evidence." Grey added, "He indicted himself ... Most of what he said didn't line up with the physical or the forensic evidence ... If you really want to hide something you hide it in plain view. It's right there for all of us to see."
In fact, this is the basic problem with police shootings. The cops and prosecutors are forced to 'investigate' themselves, or one of their own. Rarely does an officer ever get charged with a crime, often times he's merely put on paid leave until the storm blows over and then returns to active duty. There have been a few times when the officer in question is involved in multiple shootings. The twisted part is that some, likely psychopathic officers, take pride in their kills.
The former Oxnard police officer told American Justice Notebook that officers who have been involved in shootings, regardless of circumstances, will many times get a tattoo of a gun on their left shoulder. With each victim that the officer kills, a puff of gun smoke would allegedly be added to the tattoo. The gun smoke in the tattoos are reportedly shaped like a skull and cross bones.
The Oxnard Police Department is also currently dealing with a wrongful death controversy, where four officers shot an innocent bystander 16 to 21 times and saw no consequences.
We also have to consider that Mike Brown and Ferguson is the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to cops killing people in the streets. Since Mike Brown's murder, there have been 14 teenagers killed by cops in questionable circumstances. One was a 12 year old boy who was holding a BB gun.
There have been so many shootings in the last year, it seems to happen weekly. So what changed? Why all of a sudden are cops killing people on a weekly basis, effectively executing folks, who are guilty of nothing more than carrying a sandwich, cell phone or disrespect their authority?
Might it have something to do with the fact that during the George W Bush administration police nationwide were mandated to be trained by the Israeli Occupation Force?
During the Bush administration, Israeli-American dual citizen and Director of Homeland Security Chertoff mandated that American police forces be trained by Israeli groups in crowd control, counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering.
Since that time, shootings of unarmed civilians has gone up 500%, attacks on legal political protests by police have become a scandal and huge stockpiles of ammunition and military heavy weaponry have been distributed to law enforcement groups in every region of America, both local and federally controlled.
© Unknown
It takes three NYPD officers to sexually assault one woman apparently. Take during Occupy Wall St in NYC, 2011.
Considering that throwing stones at Israeli Storm Troopers can now earn you a 20-year prison sentence, it is easy to see the parallels between the repressive policies that Israel uses against Palestinian and our own police force uses against us. Recall that just this summer Israel slaughtered over 2,000 people in Gaza, 44% of those were women, children, or elderly folks.
That's the bigger picture. Our police forces were trained, using our tax dollars, to be more repressive, more brutal, to kill first and ask questions later. Our entire justice system allows it to happen, and since the police investigate themselves they consistently claim they were justified, regardless of the truth.
People of color are consistently victimized, but white people, women as well as children, are also executed. There's push now for a nation-wide law requiring cops to wear cameras, and while I think that's a good idea, it still isn't getting to the root of the problem. That problem is that our national and state governments are infested with psychopaths. They're white collar, rich, and they'd like to have an army of well armed goons and politicians to execute their will, and they're willing to pay big bucks for it.
If they kill a few hundred of us here and there, it's no big deal to them. They don't have a conscience remember. Until we acknowledge the problem presented by psychopaths in government, and talk about it on a national scale, we won't be able to resolve the issue of cops killing people.
To get a good idea of how psychopaths infect government on a large scale and subsequently cause their ideals to be passed down amongst the populace, get and read a copy of by Andrew Lobaczewski or check out the Ponerology 101 articles written exclusively for by Harrison Koehli.
Brent is a research scientist, writer and avid reader. He lives in NYC and has spent the last decade unraveling secret history, molecular biology, diet and nutrition as well as plumbing the depths of psychopathy and its impact on society. He enjoys bacon, chocolate, romps in the wilderness and hanging out with dogs.
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