SOTT EXCLUSIVE: Despite talks of peace Ukraine is actively preparing for war
© Unknown
Someone ought to tell these guys that just like father Christmas does not really exist, real money do not fall from the sky, though such a revelation can be hard to accept.
When one looks at the signals coming from Kiev and most importantly from their handlers, the US, then it is hard to see anything but war, war and more war. Not necessarily a direct war between the US and Russia, but a war with Russia to the last Ukrainian. A basic knowledge of psychopathy helps to explain why that is, as psychopaths
- are extreme risktakers
- are professional liars
- has little grasp of the real world and often believe in their own lies
- are gamblers, thus preferring to doubling a bet than settle for a compromise
- hate losing
- never admits mistakes, but assigns faults to others
- have no conscience and thus feel no remorse or regrets for the aftermath of their ill thought out decisions
- often have a certain propensity for violence
And a description by Bob Altemeyer of authoritarian leaders is insightful:
In contemplating the success of the dark forces who create and rule over pathocracies, it behooves us to understand their nature. Altemeyer refers to them alternately as "authoritarian leaders" or "social dominators". He describes them like this:
High scorers (on the test that measures the traits of authoritarian leaders) are inclined to be intimidating, ruthless, and vengeful. They scorn such noble acts as helping others, and being kind, charitable, and forgiving. Instead they would rather be feared than loved, and be viewed as mean, pitiless, and vengeful. They love power, including the power to hurt in their drive to the top.... Social dominators thus admit, anonymously, to striving to manipulate others, and to being dishonest, two-faced, treacherous, and amoral. It's as if someone took the Scout Law ("A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, ...") and turned it completely upside down...
This description is in fact almost identical to what psychologists refer to as the psychopathic personality. These people have two big advantages over the rest of us. First, they have no inclination to be bound by the rules that the rest of us are bound by. And secondly, they have their authoritarian followers (more about them later) to give them lots of aid and support.
This last week another meeting was held at Minsk on the 9th of December and despite talks of future meetings, nothing concrete has come out of it. And why bother, as there is zero interests from the Ukrainian side. One could point to the apparent lull in fighting called the "regime of silence" as a fact that things are going the way of peace, but it is more like the stillness before the storm. Instead of actively seeking peace and starting to repair the country, then Ukraine and the US are pursuing a war economy. What better way to hide the abysmal state of the Ukrainian economy, not to mention the US economy? A black hole comes to mind!
The Ukrainian government plans to double the defense budget and to call up 40000 new conscripts so as to boost the available cannon fodder to 250.000 people. Eeirily, in the same news this week was setting aside by the Ukrainian government of 80 hectares of land for a cemetary so as to be able to bury the dead Ukrainian soldiers. As some people quickly calculated, then such a cemetary would have the capacity of 250.000 graves. That is a huge number, which makes one wonder if the Ukrainian handlers have something else in mind such as a false-flag operation? As the false-flag Malaysian shoot down didn't work out and considering that we are talking about psychopaths, who prefer to double the bet rather than admit defeat, then a bigger false flag event blamed on Russia is not out of the question. Remember that parasites are oblivious to the fact that in killing the host on which they feed, they are also killing themselves.
The US empire of chaos is continuing to stoke the fire of war and has pledged military support with more in the offering and have made no delay in delivering it. To make sure that the cargo planes wouldn't get shot down, what better way, as blogger Colonel Cassad suggested, than to close the airspace over parts of Ukraine on the pretext of a terror attack, which is what happened this weekend. 2 US cargo planes were not late in arriving and unloading with more planes expected.
It has long been known that the CIA were running things behind the scenes in Kiev, but now it is out in the open. This week the US placed the US flag alongside the Ukrainian flag outside the SBU building. The SBU is officially the Ukrainian security services, but in reality the terror police of the junta.The handing out of citizenships to CIA operatives and vulture capitalists and placing them in key government positiions a couple of weeks ago was another part of cementing the US/CIA's place in the Ukrainian government. A funny part of this move, was the fact that government meetings have to be conducted in Russian as not all the new ministers could understand Ukrainian. PM Yatsenyuk tried in his master voice, English but that didn't work either, so now Russian is the language, but only behind closed doors:
As noted, to make Russian a working language during the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was asked by the new Health Minister Alexander Kvitashvili, Georgian by nationality.
The public on camera portion of the meeting the head of the government, as expected, held in Ukrainian. In the course of the closed part of the meeting Yatsenyuk first switched to English, but the Ministers were not fluent in it, and the Ukrainian Prime Minister had to resort to Russian. The fact that the new head of the Ministry of Health did not quite understand his boss was revealed immediately after the public part of the meeting of the Cabinet.
Things can hardly be more absurd, when much of the initial resistance in the Donbass region was caused by the banning of the Russian language as an official state language. Would there have been a conflict in the Donbass, if the coup regime had not alienated people there in the first place?
President Poroshenko again called on Russia to pull its troops out of Ukraine, in what sounds very much like the US calling on Saddam Hussein to acknowledge his non-existent WMD. And we all know how that ended. Had he listened to his own security services rather than the warmongering US teleprompter, he would have heard that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine:
Try and tell that to the US and you will just be accused of being an agent of Putin. How the russophobia works was well described by Catherine Brown in a recent article on Sott called A deconstruction of Putinophobia and Russophobia with the conclusion that:
Russophobia is composed of ignorance, a failure of scepticism and reasoning, pride, hypocrisy, condescension and churlishness, turned to the service of the military-industrial complex and NATO. It supports a one-sided Cold War against a country which is only just getting on its feet after collapse, is primarily focused on improving the living conditions of its people, wants war nowhere, and has no desire to be our enemy unless forced to defend itself
But Russia is invading and yet again it is with humanitarian aid. The ninth aid convoy has just arrived in Lugansk with 800 tons of much needed aid to the people of Donbass. So while the US is sending cargo planes of military aid for the use by the Ukrainian junta to suppress the people in Donbass, Russia sends humanitarian aid. Could it be any clearer who is on the side of humanity?
For those, who believe NATO propaganda movie, that there are no fascist in Ukraine, a video has been put up called Let's help NATO find the fascists!
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Again, could it be any clearer, who is deliberately trying to deny the fascist nature of the Ukrainian government and hide behind lies?
I'm a train manager and ticket inspector on international train routes in Europe. I've been reading SOTT since 2003 and first joined the editorial team in 2007 after realizing I had to do something about the deteriorating state of our world. I'm particularly interested in 'following the money' to track the machinations of the deceptive ones in high places. I suppose you could say I've taken my chosen profession to a new level, and now with SOTT I'm "inspecting the flows" of people and money in more ways than one.
Want something else to read? How about 'Grievous Censorship' By The Guardian: Israel, Gaza And The Termination Of Nafeez Ahmed's Blog
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