SOTT Exclusive: Exporting the Yemeni model to ultimately contain Russia?
The 'arc of instability' - the Western strategy of creating chaos all along Russia's borders in order to contain Russia and maintain their hegemony.
This 'successful' Yemeni model as Obama called it was supposed to serve as a model for 'peace' in Syria and Iraq, meaning that the US was contemplating a 'peaceful' transition of power in Syria and replacing it with a puppet regime that would fuel the US-led war on terror, that is, help them 'fight' the terror menace that they and their partners propped up in the first place.The US president said: "You look at a country like Yemen - a very impoverished country and one that has its own sectarian or ethnic divisions - there, we do have a committed partner in President Hadi and his government. And we have been able to help to develop their capacities without putting large numbers of US troops on the ground at the same time as we've got enough CT, or counterterrorism capabilities that we're able to go after folks that might try to hit our embassy or might be trying to export terrorism into Europe or the United States."
As with all statements made by Obama, this makes no sense since the Syrian government has been fighting foreign-backed terrorist proxies, or folks that might try to hit US embassies, as Obama calls them, for years, while the US along with their committed 'partners' in the region are the responsible parties that have been arming, funding and sending these folks to fight their wars, and at the same time serving as an excuse to justify their illegal invasions of Syria and Iraq or any other nation that gets in their way.Obama described the existing partnership between Washington and Yemen in the fight against terrorism as "ideal" and said "we are looking at establishing a similar model to be part of the solution in Syria and Iraq, but if we want to do this, we need actual governments on the ground that we can partner with and that we've got some confidence are going to pursue the political policies of inclusiveness."
The narrative that is being served on a plate for the consumption of the Western audience by the media concerning the conflict in Yemen is that the head choppers ruling Saudi Arabia are bombing Yemen in an attempt to restore a democratically elected president back to power, all of which is fully endorsed and supported by the US. It only shows that the script writers for the media mouthpieces think that we are all both stupid and gullible at the same time.
Hadi, the CIA puppet, isn't a democratically elected president; he actually ran unopposed during the 'elections.' Saudi Arabia is not a democracy and has no interests in exporting democracy; it's mostly interested in dropping bombs on civilians, infrastructure and letting loose their Wahhabi fanatics all across the region, including the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which are already benefiting from the Saudi airstrikes. The US has spent decades overthrowing democratically elected presidents all across the globe, not putting them into power. Despite all of this, the media still has the nerve to tell us with a straight face that the US and their 'partners' need to go forth in the world spreading democracy and that we should basically thank them as they pillage the planet.
We get a possible glimpse of what the plan for Yemen and other states in the Middle East is, when we take a look at the 2013 article that appeared in the , called "Imagining a Remapped Middle East." In it, we see, among other things, Yemen divided into two parts.As is always the case, the illegal invasion of Yemen has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with US geopolitical interest of controlling international trade and ultimately encircling, containing and isolating their rivals: Iran, China and Russia. It's about the Middle East and then the World and about creating the so-called 'arc of instability,' which is the Western strategy of creating chaos all along Russia's borders in order to maintain their hegemony. Yemen is just one step in the process of fracturing these states and moving closer to Russia.YEMEN SPLITS
The poorest Arab country could break (again) into two pieces following a potential referendum in South Yemen on independence.
In a more powerful twist, all or part of South Yemen could then become part of Saudi Arabia. Nearly all Saudi commerce is via sea, and direct access to the Arabian Sea would diminish dependence on the Persian Gulf — and fears of Iran's ability to cut off the Strait of Hormuz.
With their former plans for Yemen in tatters due to the rise of the Houthis and the overthrow of their partner/puppet, Mr. Hadi, the undemocratically elected president of Yemen, one wonders if Obama or other US officials will once again start praising the model that the Arab NATO is implementing in Yemen, aka bomb them back to the stone age and cause as much chaos as possible model, which seems to be the only model that they know how to implement, as an example to follow elsewhere, maybe in Syria or Iran? Maybe that's why both China and Iran are buying Russian anti-aircraft missile systems?
Born and raised in Croatia, Ante joined the SOTT editorial team in 2014 and currently helps run the Croatian SOTT. He is also a part of the Croatian SOTT translation team. He spends his free time researching.
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