Dead sperm whale found floating off the Bermuda coast
© Chris Burville
Choy Aming straddles a dead sperm whale that became the subject of a feeding frenzy for three species of shark off Challenger Banks
He received a text on Sunday from a fisherman telling him that there was a dead adult sperm whale floating in the water about 12 miles off shore on the eastern side of Challenger Banks. Within an hour Mr Aming, along with photographer Chris Burville and a small group of friends, were able to watch the drama unfold as about a dozen tiger, blue and dusky sharks made a meal of the 30-35 feet leviathan.
Mr Aming told : "I had two sharks within two feet of my face while I was sitting on the back of a dead whale just ripping flesh out of it. I have never been able to get that close. It's not the largest number of sharks I have seen at once but it was just pretty intense over all because the feeding was quite ravenous.
"We were on Chris's boat but once I saw the sharks sticking their heads out of the water I thought, 'I've got to climb on the whale'. I was probably sitting there for 45 minutes with my GoPro camera but it was very shaky and unstable — when the swells came the whale would roll.
"I wore my mask and fins because I genuinely thought there is a good chance I would roll off and if I did at least I would have a good chance of seeing everything and be able to move out of harm's way."
Mr Aming spent eight years satellite tagging sharks along with the late Neil Burnie as part of the Bermuda Shark Project and said he was able to observe feeding behaviours that were new to him.
"They were really in a different mindset — I have never been able to put that much chum out before.
"Probably the biggest tiger was probably in the nine to ten feet range and at one point I saw him bury about three feet of his head inside the whale.
"When we go out tagging and put a marlin head in the water, the sharks take in turns in a sort of pecking order. This time because it was so large three or four could feed uninterrupted — if you give them enough bait they will all have a go."
Mr Aming said that above the water — aside from severe sunburn on its skin — the carcass was relatively unscathed but from below the surface massive bite marks had opened up the body.
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