Migrating birds still delayed by cooler than normal weather in Canada
© Judith Gustafsson / Ottawa Citizen
The group of Tree Swallows was spotted at Brewer Pond. During cool spells many swallows concentrate in sheltered areas along rivers, ponds and creeks feeding on insects.
How cool is it?
On a recent trip to Algonquin Park on April 28, some lakes were still partially frozen and snow drifts were visible in sheltered areas. What we need is a good dose of southern air.
This past week a few new arrivals were found making their way north in spite of the weather including Ovenbird, Palm Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush. A Blue-gray Gnatcher was seen in the Pakenham area on April 26.
This species is a rare but regular migrant to the Ottawa-Gatineau district and has occasionally bred. Most birding areas in Eastern Ontario including migration hot spots such as Presqu'ile Provincial Park and Prince Edward Point have had little movement of birds but hopefully the flood gates will be opening soon with a nice selection of migrants.
Even Point Pelee National Park, internationally renowned for spring birding is having a slow start, but everything can change in a heartbeat.
During the month of May up to 24 species of warblers pass through the Ottawa-Gatineau district and another 10 species are possible in other areas of Eastern Ontario.
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