DHS is training EMS and firefighters for urban warfare

DHS's new "First Responder Guide For Improving Survivability In IED or Active Shooter Incidents"
describes in great detail how firefighters and EMS personnel are being trained by DHS and work alongside law enforcement.

In it's "First Responder"guide, DHS claims active shooter incidents and IED's in America are increasing.

A collaborative group of public safety organizations—including fire, law enforcement, pre-hospital care, trauma care, and the military—convened in Hartford, Connecticut, in the spring of 2013 to develop consensus regarding strategies to increase survivability in mass-casualty shootings (commonly referred as the Hartford Consensus). The group states that "no one should die from uncontrolled bleeding" and developed the acronym THREAT to address these situations: 

Threat suppression [eliminate or kill suspects], 

Hemorrhage control, 

Rapid Extrication to safety, 

Assessment by medical providers, and 

Transport to definitive care. 

Active Shooter and Intentional Mass-Casualty Events: The Hartford Consensus II:

"Law enforcement officers and other emergency responders who lack extensive medical training are prime targets for a training program based on the T.H.R.E.A.T. concept." 

Law Officer magazine:

"If you aren't already conducting training in T.H.R.E.A.T., TECC or other similar adaptation of TCCC in your agency, you are behind the curve. That will be a bad place to be when your community comes under attack."

This group of so-called 'experts' I call them DHS paid advocates, say that EMS, fire, and rescue response must be more fully integrated and their traditional role limitations revised.

In other words become more like the military.

According to the DHS First Responder guide:

"Concerned international and national first responder associations, such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police, International Association of Fire Fighters, International Association of Fire Chiefs, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, and the National Tactical Officers Associations, have shown great interest in this topic."

"The United States Fire Administration (USFA) advocates that EMS, fire, and law enforcement personnel quickly establish unified command at scenes of IED and active shooter incidents."

"The protocols and procedures should also address non-traditional roles of EMS and fire personnel.' 

"These roles include the use of properly trained, armored (not armed) medical personnel who are accompanied by law enforcement into areas of mitigated risk ('warm zones'). 

"The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) states that there is a need for all police officers to have basic Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) medical training in order to potentially save the lives of victims, bystanders, police officers, and suspects in the event they are wounded." 

Suspects being wounded? Is that a joke we all know what happens to suspects in America and itdoesn't involve being wounded.

The NTOA reaches approx.40,000 cops and claims their magazine "The Tactical Edge" has a 10,000 circulation but reaches every officer. How many firefighters and EMS are reading this crap?


Tactical Emergency Medical Support

" (TEMS) trains every cop, firefighter and EMS personnel to think, look and act like a soldier!

Below is a couple of pictures of "Tactical Medical Support (TEMS) Teams", THIS is the future of America's EMS & firefighters:



 looks like they're training a navy SEAL team!

NTOA "supports the efforts of the

 Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care

 (C-TECC) and others to foster the development of standardized taxonomy and evidence based clinical practice guidelines tailored to the law enforcement mission."  

"First responders should develop inter-domain (EMS, fire, and law enforcement) TTPs—including use of ballistic vests, better situational awareness, and application of concealment and cover concepts— and train first responders on proper use of the TTPs." "The incorporation of ballistic vests and the concepts of concealment and cover into the EMS and fire professions, when active shooter threats and situations warrant, will better protect first responders."

A '

warm zone

', is defined as an area of indirect threat that has been swept by law enforcement and cleared of any immediate threats.

There are various models and approaches for introducing EMS and fire personnel into 'warm zones', including the 

Rescue Task Force

 (RTF) model. Which was started by the U.S. marines yet another combat program making its way into firefighting and EMS.

DHS now controls EVERY cop, firefighter and EMS responder in America!

Why is DHS is using combat jargon and techniques like 'warm zones' to train first responders? Is it for civil unrest?

According to DHS's "

First Responder Guide

" DHS controls much, much more than previously thought:

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- National Security Staff, Legal Affairs Directorate  

- Office of Personnel Management 

- U.S. Agency for International Development 

- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health 

- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the General Counsel 

- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Food and Drug Administration

- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response 

- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the General Counsel 

- U.S. Department of Defense 

- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs 

- U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Division 

- U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation 

- U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division

- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Foreign Litigation

- U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration

- U.S. Department of State

- U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Emergency Medical Services 

- U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Under Secretary for Policy
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Office of Emergency Management  
