Hailstorms cause substantial damage to Spanish growers
Last weekend's hailstorms in the Region of Valencia caused considerable damage to agricultural producers, after more than 2,000 hectares of fruit trees were affected in Lleida and another 700 in Aragon.
According to the first estimates of the Valencian Growers Association (AVA-ASAJA), a total of 1,000 hectares of crops have been affected, especially citrus, but also kakis and vegetables to a lesser extent.
The most affected area is that located between Manises and Ribarroja del Turia, especially the municipalities of Carasols, Llobatera and El Polvorín, with more than 500 hectares. In these places, the hailstones reached the size of tennis balls and in some cases caused the loss of up to 100% of the next citrus harvest, as well as damage to the trees.
The region of Marina Alta has also suffered the impact of the hailstorm, especially Sagra, Ràfol d'Almunia, Tormos, Orba, Benimeli and Sanet i Negrals, where citrus crops have suffered the worst damage.
In Ribera Alta, especially Rafelguaraf and L'Ènova, and La Costera, in Llocnou d'en Fenollet, some specific areas have also registered some damages, affecting up to 30% of the citrus crops.
To the impact of this hailstorm we must add that of the recent heatwave in the Region, which will result in a significant decline in production volumes for the next citrus season.
However, in other production areas where there was no hail, but only rainfall, the weather has been welcome to alleviate water shortages after prolonged drought.
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