SOTT EXCLUSIVE: Propaganda alert! Kremlin manipulating Russell Brand

Russell Brand

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Yesterday, the published a piece online by Scottish anti-Muslim homosexual neoconservative Douglas Murray (wrap your mind around that one!) titled 'The Kremlin thinks Russell Brand is good news. Does that not worry him?' With reference to the recent launch of RT UK ("Putin's propaganda station in London", as Murray calls it), he launches into his own brand of propaganda (no pun intended), starting with this zinger:

Unlike the Kremlin, I am generally in favour of as diverse a media as possible.

Be honest, Murray, what you're really trying to say is that you're in favour of as diverse media as possible. In fact, it looks like you have more in common with the Kremlin than you thought, Murray. Not living in Russia, I can't comment on the state of the media there. But from where I sit, I'd agree with both of you, Murray -- you and the Kremlin. Personally, I think some newspapers, like the one you write for -- the -- shouldn't be allowed to spew corporate-sponsored, MI5-directed, pro-war provoation and lies masquerading as 'diverse' media. But that's just me.

Murray continues:

The problem with Russia Today is that it seems to have fooled an astonishingly diverse number of silly people into thinking that what they really do is provide 'unbiased' and 'alternative' news, as opposed to simply offering an international mouthpiece for the Kremlin.

As opposed to papers like the , not to mention the BBC, , CNN, , , etc., which absolutely do NOT act as mouthpieces for Downing Street and the White House! Give us a break, Murray.

Actually, RT does a fine job deconstructing the Western media, which you represent. Sure, it serves Russia's interests to so expose the propaganda machine of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, but that doesn't mean they're . In fact, press prostitutes such as yourself make it very easy. Your lies are obvious, transparent, and odious.

Take the nation's most unsavoury clown, Russell Brand. On his 'Trews' internet channel - where he too believes that he puts out the 'real' news - Brand regularly includes clips of his various 'revolutionary' activities. Many of these seem, amazingly, to be followed particularly closely and given due prominence by Russia Today.

Not so amazing, given that any rational person of conscience would come to the same conclusions, based on the obvious, transparent, odious lies people like you peddle to 'silly' authoritarian followers who will swallow any line you offer. You're really stretching to find a connection here, Murray.

For his own insatiable taste, it may be true that the mainstream media in Britain probably spend an inadequate amount of time covering the various left-wing protests involving Brand and his friends. But Russia Today does. Perhaps Brand and his ilk think this means Russia Today just really cares. Or maybe they don't know what RT stands for. Or perhaps they think that together they are breaking the 'establishment media monopoly.' But is it too much to hope that at some point the penny will drop?

You haven't exhausted all the possibilities here, Murray. Perhaps Brand and his 'ilk' are simply . And it serves Russia -- which has had to put up with decades of Western interference, lies, intrigue, provocation, aggression, and proxy warfare -- to point out the about its self-declared enemy.

As the Kremlin closes the last remaining independent TV station in Russia, perhaps Brand and co may begin to wonder if there are other reasons why the Kremlin's propaganda outfit in London might be so interested in turning an 'anti-austerity' march in the UK into a major news story.

Maybe it's because your society is sick to the core, thanks to people like you propping it up. And what's your problem with 'anti-austerity' marches Murray? Why the 'suspicious quotes' around 'austerity measures'? Are you not-so-subtly trying to tell us that austerity measures been imposed on the British people by international bankers and 'vultures' who are in the process of eviscerating the welfare system, and that those protestors are, therefore, just a bunch of lefty whiners? Maybe that shocking increase in British parents forced to resort to food banks to feed themselves and their children is just made up? What a pathetic, lying sycophant to the 'elite' you are, Murray. Do the British public a favor and crawl back under the rock provided for you by your MI5 handlers.

Judge for yourself. Is Russell Brand deluded, or simply stating some obvious, fundamental truths about what is wrong with the world. Here's what he had to say about the recent CIA torture report:

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