Megalomaniac Google? ... Internet behemoth now fancying itself as the ultimate gatekeeper of the truth
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. - 1 Corinthians 3:18
Towering arrogance from speech-rights midgets? The self-appointed gate-keepers of the Truth. Imaged cropped from video here.
A wave of commotion has just been unleashed by the very recent FOX News report on Google's contemplating of changing the way it ranks website pages with its famous search engine. Also read here.
Rather than ranking websites on their popularity, a Google research group is looking into ranking websites based on how "factual" they are. If implemented, it would literally mean Google taking on the gatekeeper role of who deciding fact from fiction. Google has already created a "knowledge vault" containing "commonly believed facts". In summary sites found to deviate from what Google considers facts, would be automatically down-ranked in searches. Result: dissident opinions would surely get buried.
Though the system may have some merits, it is chock-full of pitfalls and it risks the establishment of an information dictatorship - a so-called Orwellian Ministry Of Truth. In other countries such information control programs are the sort of things one associates with tyrannies and dictatorships, like Iran, North Korea, Red China, Russia, Venezuela or Islamic fundamentalist states. Note in all these states, leaders are convinced it's for the overall good of the people.
"That is very troubling," writes Jim Lakely, Director of Communications of the Chicago-based think-tank The Heartland Institute in an e-mail. He thinks there is no doubt that the 'facts' of politicized sites who clearly have a defined agenda will get favorable treatment in Google's 'knowledge vault' while dissident sites will be locked out.
"I worry about this issue greatly... My site gets a significant portion of its daily traffic from Google," Anthony Watts told "It is a very slippery and dangerous slope because there's no arguing with a machine," he added.
While Google maintains this project is only in the development phase, others are not so sure. One climate science dissident, who wishes to remain anonymous for the time being, believes that Google is already "heavily biased and directing traffic away" from climate science skeptic sites.
When it comes to science, the move reveals that Google seems oblivious to how the discipline works. It that is so, it makes the omnipotent company all the more dangerous. Science is always hotly disputed. For example is used to be a universal "fact" that saturated fats were bad for human health - before dissidents forced a rethinking. With Google's new proposed policy, dissident voices would never see the light of day and progress would be stunted as a result. Dissidence is the life blood of science itself. By removing dissidence, as Google unwisely moves to do, science itself would de facto get starved and be catapulted back to the Dark Ages and the times of the Inquisition.
Global warming alarmists have long been working to get Google to suppress dissident voices on the subject of climate change. In 2009 conservative news site Newsbusters here wrote:
Former Vice President Al Gore a few years ago advised Internet behemoth Google about "aspects of search quality."Such was reported by the in its October 12 issue (subscription required). [...] given the ongoing concerns about Google's political leanings and how its search algorithms might be manipulated to favor liberal news outlets over conservative points of view, the very idea that Gore might have had any input to this process is worrisome to say the least."
Thus we see that the Google project has long been in the works, and so the preparation appears to be grand and fundamental in scale. It cannot be that an organization with the power and might of Google would take it upon itself to police the world's body of knowledge and to decide who is trustworthy and who isn't. This borders on dangerous megalomania.
Censorship can be fought
The irresponsible and arguably arrogant deeming of "unreliable sources" is not something that Google alone is contemplating, but was already once reality among some powerful government institutions worldwide just months ago. For example Germany's Federal Ministry of Environment issued a 123-page publication that singled out German and American journalists and scientists who it claimed were responsible for "spreading doubt and false information" on climate change. Among them: Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Willie Soon, Frederick Seitz, Joe Barton, Pat Michaels, John Christy and Ross McKitrick.
Fortunately the German journalists and scientists who were targeted did not take the state-sponsored attack lying down. The brochure is no longer available. A small victory for the freedom of scientific dissent.
So will Google and its many backstage operators be successful?
If anything, the move confirms yet again that the globalist alarmists have lost the argument and that the public debate has become unwinnable for them. This is the reason for the "state-of-emergency" scale move. Despite their huge advantages in the media and state funding, they are unable to explain the harsh winters, the models's failure, the sea ice growth and the many other warmer Holocene periods. Now they are forced to shut down dissidents, a-la-Inquisition.
But it will never work. Every lie has a short shelf-life and can be propped up only for so long. Eventually it gets stale, and no one is left to swallow it.
Google's move, however, is indeed extremely worrisome and very serious. The new US Congress needs to move swiftly and forcefully, and to put these obviously out-of-control Google executives on the hot seat for a serious grilling or two and a little schooling on the virtues of un-monopolized dissent. The human right to be heard, and to not be silenced, is at stake here. Sympathetic lawmakers need to be contacted.
Kennedy aptly concludes: "Whoever controls the Truth, controls the world".
The power to determine the truth belongs to the people, and not to Google.
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